Dear breeder of miniature pigs,

Do you recognize me?  I was sold by you to make money but our owners could no longer care for us or we were abandoned at an animal shelter. We tried to find you but you weren't around. We are SO glad organizations like Pig Pals of NC were able to help us but there are dozens of other pigs that they couldn't help. Where were you?

Are you a responsible breeder of miniature pigs? Do you know what constitutes responsible breeding?


   Irresponsible breeders

  • make money from the sale of miniature pigs without caring about the well-being of that animal for its life. If you will take your pigs back at any point during their lives for any reason, we commend and thank you. You are a rarity and should be identified and recognized as a reputable breeder!

  • commit false advertising and misrepresentation of miniature pigs. Most miniature pigs in the U.S. do NOT stay a healthy body weight of under 40# by the time they are full-grown at 4 years of age.  If you can prove us wrong, please contact us immediately at

  • will sell an animal before it has had the proper amount of time with its mother. Piglets should not be fully weaned prior to 8 weeks of age. This will ensure the best chance at a strong nutritional start which in turn will provide the strongest immune system possible.

  • will not provide permanent identification for their miniature pigs in case they end up at a sanctuary or shelter. Miniature pigs can and should be microchipped or identified by other means.

  • will ship their pigs out of state without the proper and legal health certificates, identification, and in some cases, bloodwork. Proper shipment helps stop the spread of diseases.